Study in D Major, Op. 84, No. 18
Study in D Major, Op. 84, No. 18
Melodious and Very Easy Study - Étude mélodique et très facile - Etude
This Study in D Major, Op. 84, No. 18 by Charles Dancla combines delicate slurred up-bow spiccato and broad detache bowing in the middle of the bow.It is preceded with an exercise in finger action in the key of D Major.
- For the three up-bow spiccato notes : the player should lift the bow from the string after every note
- For the broad détaché bowing : play in the middle of the bow, with much heaviness in the bowarm
- For the double-stops finger action exercise and passage : keep the fingers very close to the string, and the left hand quiet and relaxed
Duration : 01:42
Source : Charles Dancla, 36 Études mélodiques et très faciles pour le violon [36 Melodious and Very Easy Studies for the Violin], Op. 84.
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