Evening Song Le Jeune, Arthur Violin and piano
Canon in D Major Hayes, Philip Violin and piano
The Little Bugler, Op. 117, No. 2 Oehmler, Leo Violin and piano
Lightly Row (Anonymous) Violin and piano
Berceuse Blachford, Frank Violin and piano
Long, Long Ago Bayly, Thomas Haynes Violin and piano
Melodious Piece, Op. 149, No. 2 Diabelli, Anton Violin and piano
Melodious Piece Op. 149, No. 1 Diabelli, Anton Violin and piano
D'où viens-tu, bergère? - Violin (Anonymous) Violin and piano
Study in C Major, Op. 120, No. 15 Duvernoy, Jean-Baptiste Violin and piano
Are You Happy, Are You Sorry? Caux, Marie-Andrée Violin and piano
Black Cat Dancing Caux, Marie-Andrée Violin and piano
Go Tell Aunt Rhody Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Violin and piano
O Come, Little Children Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter Violin and piano
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas (Anonymous) Violin and piano
Ah! Vous dirai-je, Maman (Anonymous) Violin and piano
Konope (Coufava), JW VIII/10, No. 11 Janacek, Leos Violin and piano
Mary Had a Little Lamb Mason, Lowell Violin and piano
Froggy, Froggy, Hungry! Caux, Marie-Andrée Violin and piano
Marching, Oh! Caux, Marie-Andrée Violin and piano
Melody Le Jeune, Arthur Violin and piano
Quand trois poules vont au champ (Anonymous) Violin and piano
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Anonymous) Violin and piano
Je suis une Grenouille Caux, Marie-Andrée Violin and piano