Lightly Row
Hanschen klein - Hänschen klein - Alles neu macht der Mai
The famous folk song Lightly Row probably originated in Germany during the 19th century.In Germany, it is known under the title Hänschen klein or Alles neu macht der Mai.
This lovely boat song is a great favorite among beginners on many instruments!
It has a charming melody and a straightforward A-A'-B-A' musical form.
This score is an arrangement of the folk song Lightly Row for guitar.
It is set in the key of G Major.
This arrangement of Lightly Row is easy enough to be played by a beginner guitarist!
For your greater enjoyment, this sheet music includes the complete lyrics in English (2 verses).
Duration : 00:40 per verse
Source : Anonymous, Folk Songs in English
This sheet music appears in the following collections :