Allemande in D minor -- Urtext
Allemande in D minor -- Urtext
From L'Art de toucher le clavecin
This Allemande in D minor by François Couperin belongs to the composer's important theoretical work L'Art de toucher le clavecin, published in Paris in 1716-1717.Please note that this score includes suggestions for performing the ornaments (in this case, trills and mordents) in accordance with French Baroque performance practice.
Note also that :
- The F natural (m. 8, left hand, third beat) and the B flat (m. 9, right hand, third beat) do not appear in the original and are thus editorial
- The double dots in m. 10-11 are editorial : in the source, they are written as single dots
Duration : 01:02
Source : Francois Couperin, L'Art de toucher le clavecin [The Art of Playing on the Harpsichord] (Paris, 1716-1717).
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