Black Cat Dancing Caux, Marie-Andrée Violin and piano
Go Tell Aunt Rhody Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Violin and piano
The Cricket Bang, Maia Violin duet
Une Perdriole (Anonymous) Violin solo
Mary Had a Little Lamb Mason, Lowell Violin duet
Mary Had a Little Lamb Mason, Lowell Violin and piano
Froggy, Froggy, Hungry! Caux, Marie-Andrée Violin and piano
Marching, Oh! Caux, Marie-Andrée Violin and piano
Quand trois poules vont au champ (Anonymous) Violin and piano
Je suis une Grenouille Caux, Marie-Andrée Violin and piano
As-tu vu? Caux, Marie-Andrée Violin and piano
Jamais on n'a vu (Anonymous) Violin and piano