Der Gutmütige, Book I, No. 12
Der Gutmütige, Book I, No. 12
The soft-hearted man - Handstucke fur angehende Klavierspieler - Pieces for Aspiring Players
This very easy piece Der Gutmütige [The Soft-Hearted Man - Goodnatured] is the twelfth piece in Daniel Gottlob Türk's Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler.It is set in the key of F Major. Please note that this score contains a suggestion for realizing the trill in measure 7 in accordance with early Classical performance practice.
In particular, the trill should begin ON the beat, on the upper auxiliary note.
Duration : 00:16
Source : Daniel Gottlob Türk, 120 Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler (1792 and 1795)
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