Das Rondo im Kleinen, Book I, No. 22
Das Rondo im Kleinen, Book I, No. 22
Miniature Rondo - Handstucke fur angehende Klavierspieler - Pieces for Aspiring Players
This easy rondo Das Rondo im Kleinen [Miniature Rondo] is the twenty-second piece in Daniel Gottlob Türk's Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler.It is set in the key of F Major.
This score contains suggestions for performing the ornaments in accordance with the performance practice of the Classical period.
In particular, trills are played ON the beat, beginning on the upper auxiliary note.
Duration : 00:56
Source : Daniel Gottlob Türk, 120 Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler (1792 and 1795)
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