La Puce, Op. 103 Bonis, Mel. Piano
The Hunt, Op. 117, No. 15 Gurlitt, Cornelius Piano
Riding the Hobby-Horse, Op. 98, No. 5 Grechaninov, Alexandr T. Piano
The Butterfly, Op. 28, No. 12 Maykapar, Samuil Piano
Ours Rebikov, Vladimir Ivanovich Piano
Fanfare pour la suite de la Diane Couperin, François Piano
The Hunting Horns and the Echo, Volume 1, No. 24 Türk, Daniel Gottlob Piano
Jagdstückchen, Op. 210, No. 7 Gurlitt, Cornelius Piano
Black Cat Dancing Caux, Marie-Andrée Piano
Zwei Waldhörner rufen zur Jagd, Op. 94, No. 12 Oesten, Theodor Piano