D Major Scale and Arpeggio Caux, Marie-Andrée Cello solo
The Open Strings on the Violoncello Piatti, Alfredo Carlo Cello solo
G Major Scale and Arpeggio Caux, Marie-Andrée Cello solo
The Train is Approaching! Caux, Marie-Andrée Cello solo
Suite 4, BWV 1010 (6/7 : Bourrée 2) -- Urtext Bach, Johann Sebastian Cello solo
Study in C Major, Op. 31, No. 5 Schröder, Karl Cello solo
Study in C Major, Op. 31, No. 4 Schröder, Karl Cello solo
Study in C Major, Op. 31, No. 3 Schröder, Karl Cello solo
Study in C Major, Op. 31, No. 2 Schröder, Karl Cello solo
Study in C Major, Op. 31, No. 1 Schröder, Karl Cello solo
C Major Scale and Arpeggio Caux, Marie-Andrée Cello solo
Sad Little Neighbours Babbling on the A String Caux, Marie-Andrée Cello solo
Pease Porridge Hot (Anonymous) Cello solo
Cock-a-doodle-do! (Anonymous) Cello solo
Study No. 3 in G Major Caux, Marie-Andrée Cello solo
Little Neighbours Babbling on the G String Caux, Marie-Andrée Cello solo
Study No. 2 in D Major Caux, Marie-Andrée Cello solo
Study in D Major Caux, Marie-Andrée Cello solo
Little Neighbours Babbling on the D String Caux, Marie-Andrée Cello solo
Rain, Rain, Go Away! (Anonymous) Cello solo
La, Ré, Sol, Do Caux, Marie-Andrée Cello solo
Suite 2, BWV 1008 (I : Prelude) -- Urtext Bach, Johann Sebastian Cello solo
Suite 3, BWV 1009 (Bourrées 1-2) -- Urtext Bach, Johann Sebastian Cello solo
Suite 1, BWV 1007 (I : Prelude) -- Urtext Bach, Johann Sebastian Cello solo